Sara Sturiale

Supervisor: Prof. Fabio Bartolini and Prof. Luca Incrocci

Research field: Agricultural economics

Research interests: LCA, LCC, greenhouse, tomatoes, Mediterranean, sustainability

Department head office, via del Borghetto, 80, Pisa

Sara graduated in 2020 in Agro-food Production and Agro-ecosystems Management at the University of Pisa, with a thesis on bioinformatics. Subsequently, she carried out an internship at the Region of Tuscany in the Leader Programming Management Sector – management activities at the territorial level of Siena and Grosseto, where I was in charge of the analysis of PIFs (Integrated Supply Chain Plans) and PS-GOs (Strategic Plans) measure 16.2 – technological innovation in agriculture. She is currently a second-year PhD student in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Pisa, Department of Agricultural Economics. Her research activity, which began with a 4-month research grant and later led to her PhD, focuses on the introduction of new technologies in agriculture to make the supply chain more productive and sustainable. Specifically, her work focuses on the study of the main problems present in greenhouse tomato production in some countries of the Mediterranean region (Italy, Spain, Turkey and Tunisia) and the positive impacts that the introduction of decision support systems (DSS) could have on them. During my PhD, she will assess the environmental impacts of greenhouse production before and after the introduction of this new technology, as well as the economic feasibility of such interventions. This evaluation will be conducted through the use of Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing methods. Meanwhile, she will interface with project partners in the other countries involved to assess the social consequences of this modernization. Her interest is in the search for alternative and more environmentally sustainable production methods, that combine well with technological advancement and that ensure the lowest possible environmental impact.


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