The Department guarantees to cover expenses up to a maximum amount of 1624.30€ annually. For the amount of co-funded scholarship funds and other financial information write an e-mail to dottorato@agr.unipi.it
Mission requests must be filled out on the U-web platform (https://start.unipi.it/missioni-fuori-sede/) at least five days before the start of the mission. Under Request Type select “FPROG- project funds“. When the mission is finished, close the file on the platform, attaching any documents for reimbursement.
In the case of small expenses, the form for requesting reimbursement of petty expenses must be filled out. Original documents should be handed in to the Directorate when the reimbursement is collected.
PhD students who intend to spend a period abroad must request formal permission from the College of Education. The resolution of the Faculty Board authorizing the stay should indicate the host institution; the start and end dates of the stay and the planned activities. For more information and to download documentation, visit https://dottorato.unipi.it/index.php/it/dottorandi/item/61.html
If you have doubts, you can open a ticket through the Virtual Desk or send an e-mail to phd_coordinator@agr.unipi.it


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